Getting the ear tips in the ear canal is MANDATORY for proper operation! Please watch
Related 3M Aearo video on the proper use of foam ear plugs. Very relevant information for the HaloTubephone... worth the watch.
One ear doesn't work? Don't panic!
If one ear doesn't work, it is likely you have moisture or debris in the tubes. That is your sweat and vaporized cerumen (yuck!) get deposited in the ear tips or tubes. To check, hold each tube up to a light source and look through the clear tubing. Beads of condensation indicate a temporary problem. Even if you don't see moisture, simply swap the right and left tubes to see if the trouble goes to the opposite ear. If it does, the blockage is located in the metal or colored plastic "damper bead" near the ear tip. It is a physical impossibility to clean these CANNOT be done!
Instead, simply cut the beads from BOTH ear tubes by removing about one inch of tubing with the bead intact. Then blow out the remaining moisture from the long length of tubing, reattach, then go fly. The beads have NO effect on speech intelligibility, and are ther only to smooth the sound for music lovers. A spare set of tubing should be included with your headset, or you can always purchase a new set of sound tubes with damper beads and angle adapters from the web store.
(BTW, try this with the competitors headset...moisture and wax get built up in their electrical/mechanical speakers and you will need to send their headset back to the factory for repair. Ours is a far superior design...just replace the tubes in the field...)
Sending for repairs...
CALL before returning for repairs to see if there is anything we can do over the phone.
(601) 316-7160 Phone hours are variable.
Do not leave a message on the phone. Instead contact us e-mail at
1) Return with prior phone authorization or e-mail contact. Send to address listed at the bottom of this web page. 2) Include a copy of any E-mail letters or description of the problem and where you believe that problem is located. 3) DO NOT require signature for delivery !!! 4) DO include YOUR RETURN ADDRESS !!! 5) If the problem is outside the 2 year warranty period, and it involves a problem with an upper wire or headband that requires a major overhaul, include a check for $135.00 (includes complete overhaul and shipping). If there is a repair charge other than the $135.00 flat rate overhaul charge, we will include a note on the repair ticket when the headset is returned to you. Each headset is eligible for an overhaul only ONCE PER LIFETIME and will carry a 6 month repair warranty on the overhaul. Please note that REPAIRS are NOT OVERHAULS (anything that does not involve the upper wire structure due to wear abuse or age) and the headset can be repaired as many times as practical without any limit. NOTE: Overhauls are not available on headsets older than 7 years of age due to the lack of repair parts. Note: send without insurance if at all possible. Insurance coverage almost always triggers a signature requirement. We have to travel nearly 40 MILES to pick up your package from the shippers, and we really don't want to do this! Please do not do ANYTHING that requires a signature for delivery. |
Also be aware that shipping times are lengthy, many times exceeding a month or more, including Canada. Finally, it will be the customer's responsibilty to pay shipping both ways regardless of the reason for service needed including warranty repairs. |